Autozero Wintrobe ESR System. Made in Switzerland.
The WINPETTE pipette features a graduated scale from 0 to 90mm and fully complies with the Wintrobe method of erythrocyte sedimentation rate testing.
Designed to accommodate accidental overfilling and prevent blood spillage. The unique triple plugged overflow chamber levels the blood column correctly at the zero mark and buffers the upward force of the blood sample. The entire assembly is discarded without separation, which provides an extra measure of safety for the operator and disposal staff.
In accordance with the Wintrobe method, 600ul of ETDA-treated blood needs to be added to the reservoir.
Model: FH1800
Application: For qualitative estimation of the Wintrobe Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Contents: 100 plugged ESR pipettes, 100 reservoirs
Material: Polystyrene
Disposable: Yes
CLIA Complexity: Waived